fabric London and Jägermeister are excited to announce the winners of the 2023 SAVE THE NIGHT Fund: Jesse Mwenda Mugambi from Nairobi, Kenya, and Holly Lester and Boyd Sleator from Northern Ireland!

Lesbian Bar Project
Stonewall Initiative


SAVE THE NIGHT is the global platform that carries all of Jägermeister’s initiatives in pursuit of positive change in nightlife.

Jägermeister’s purpose is to create best nights, today and tomorrow and with SAVE THE NIGHT the brand tries to secure these best nights. By enabling grassroots, empowering communities, and supporting the nightlife industry on a global platform that offers support and fosters a sense of belonging.

SAVE THE NIGHT was initiated as a first aid crisis response to the global pandemic in 2020 and nowadays evolved into a platform supporting and kickstarting projects from the brand’s nightlife community, the so-called Meister network.

All SAVE THE NIGHT campaigns aim to raise awareness for the fact that best nights aren’t a matter of course.

Save the night Mood image

From 2022 onwards, the platform runs a yearly open call, the SAVE THE NIGHT Fund, actively scouting for new ideas and empowering everyone passionate about nightlife in realising their forward-thinking ideas.

Over 500 applications have been submitted so far, five of them coming alive in 2023 and 2024.

To put things in perspective and to keep track of the platform’s progress, SAVE THE NIGHT started to run its own research.

The first findings display the state nightlife is in, like the fact that the United Kingdom has lost more than a quarter of its clubs over the last decade, the alarming stat that nine out of ten women in Sydney feel unsafe in public spaces at night and that four LGBT+ people are murdered in Latin American and the Caribbean – daily. In Istanbul, clubs are phasing out arabesque music, because of associations with ‘poor taste’, and lastly the astonishing calculation that on party island Ibiza, every 3000+ capacity nightclub generates up to 400.000 plastic bottles of waste each year. All these big venues together, you’re talking about millions of yearly single-used bottles.

Save the night mood image dancing

These discouraging insights proof that global nightlife is in danger, facing a precarious future. Once more justifying why we, as a brand, must give back to those who create, shape and protect the night. Because there would be no Jägermeister without nightlife. As our brand, our company and our legacy have been built in collaboration with passionate artists, bartenders, creatives, fans, musicians, and venue owners - all over the world.

Since its launch, the SAVE THE NIGHT initiative has supported over 1.650 Meisters and 1.220 projects in more than 60 countries. By supporting those in need, aiming to create safer and inclusive spaces and prioritising environmental awareness. Knowing that better nights are coming, we continue our journey by calling all nightlife lovers around the globe to join us, to SAVE THE NIGHT!

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